The Elements of Health

Discover ancient wisdom secrets for modern healthy living…

Hello I’m Claire,

My intention is to help people who are looking to understand the cause of their health problems and to learn natural ways of feeling better.

If you know in your heart that there must be solutions in natural therapies that can help you, then you are in the right place.

I believe that health and happiness is our natural state of being and I want to help you to realise that for yourself.

The healing modalities that have really helped me are Reiki, Ayurveda and Yoga and I offer these in my practice. 

The following list is not exhaustive but I can help with…

  • Digestive issues such as IBS, Crohns, Acid Reflux, Constipation
  • Skin issues such as Acne, Eczema, Rosacea, Psoriasis
  • Emotional issues such as Anxiety, Depression, Hyperactivity
  • Menopause, Menstrual and Reproductive issues
  • Other issues such as Insomnia, Cystitis or healthy weight balance.


Reiki treatments to bring vital healing energy into your body and mind creating balance wherever it is needed.


Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle Consultations to understand the root cause of health issues.


Weekly Yoga classes, workshops and Mantra Meditation sessions to restore vital energy and connect with our true selves.

Explore my articles and writing…

Transitioning into Autumn with Ayurveda

Transitioning into Autumn with Ayurveda

The transition into Autumn can be tricky but thankfully Ayurveda gives us some wisdom to help us do just that. Around the Autumn Equinox we are moving between seasons.  It is at these transitions when we may experience a flare up of any health challenges or maybe...

Finding the root cause

Finding the root cause

I am actually grateful for the health problems that I have experienced because they have led me to greater understanding, greater awareness and awakened within me the truth of who I am. Who knows, maybe I would have eventually anyway? I have always wanted to know why...

Ayurvedic tips for staying cool in Summer

Ayurvedic tips for staying cool in Summer

Summer is here and it's what we've all been waiting for...right? Well it depends on your Ayurvedic constitution or dosha... For mainly Vata types (those who feel sensitive to cold windy weather) then summer feels like a time to expand and to relax in the warm...

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